What is Flipgrid?
Flipgrid is a video recording tool for teachers and students. Teachers create groups to facilitate video discussion. The groups are similar to a message board and topics are posted to the group. You pose questions to these groups and students respond in a video format. Students can respond on any device that has a camera... computers, tablets, phones, etc. They can either respond on the website or within the app. The picture above comes from Flipgrid and gives just a few ideas of ways that you can use it!
Flipgrid is a way to get ALL students involved. We always have the students who are reluctant to participate and speak out, but using Flipgrid can give these students a voice too. If they are concerned about their face being on the screen, they can always blur it out or put a sticker over it. Students can view other videos created by their peers and can respond with video comments (you can always turn this feature off too).
How to use Flipgrid:
Flipgrid is very user friendly. Once you set up your account, you can create a group in the discussion tab. Your group could be a class, grade level, or anything else. It will automatically generate a join code for your students to use to login. The group lets you post multiple topics for the students to see. It will also ask you if you want to use your students email or a username to login.
Once you've created your group, you can begin creating topics for your students to post underneath. Just give your topic a title, a description, set the recording time (can be anywhere from 15 seconds to 10 minutes), add media (photos, videos, gifs), then set the privacy settings. If you set the post to private with students logging in with their emails, you can still set it so that parents can view if you give them the guest password. There are a few other settings that you can adjust if you click on more settings.
After your topic has been set up, you will give the join code to students. You can post it in Google Classroom or you can simply write it on the board for the students to type in once they go to the site or app.
Video Settings:
After clicking on the join link or typing in the join code for the topic, the topic will appear. You will see its title, description, and any responses that have already been recorded. When you are ready to record, click record a response.
The next screen to appear is where you will record your video. Once you open it, you will be told what your time limit is to record your response. At the bottom of your screen, you will have an options button, the recording button, and the effects button.
Under the options button, you will have upload clip, mirror video, mute, and record screen.
Options: With the options tab, you can upload a video clip, mirror your screen, mute yourself, and record your screen.
Effects: There are tons of different effects that you can use. There are filters, frames, emojis, text, drawing, board, and photo tools.
Let's say you want your students to explain a math problem. You can use the board feature to display graph paper, dry erase board, whiteboard, or a few other designs. You can split the screen or have the entire screen be the board. You will combine the board and drawing tools to use this.
Respondents can use as many or as few of these tools as they would like.
After the video has been recorded, it can be edited. Clips can be removed or moved around, the ends can be trimmed, or more video clips can be added. Last, take a selfie and submit your video. For more details on video recording, click here.
Discovery Library
There are tons of already created topics within the discovery library for every grade and subject. You can find virtual tours of different locations. In addition to the core subjects, there are topics on the arts, career education, digital citizenship, business, world languages. Once you sign up, look up all the different topics you can use. Here are just a few ideas of how you could incorporate Flipgrid into different subjects.